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13+ Entrance Exam Tuition

Help  your child get into an independent school for Year 9 with 13+ entrance exam tuition

Trust ACEdemics in Ilford to provide  excellent tuition that will help your child to pass the entry exam they are facing

If your child is hoping to move to a Private or Independent school at the start of year 9, they will probably be required to sit the 13+ entry exam set by the school. These exams usually cover academic learning in maths and English and children are expected to have a good understand of the KS3 curriculum. At ACEdemics in Ilford we have specialist tutors that have a reputation for getting great results and we are here to help your child pass their 13+ exam and get into the school of their dreams! Not only do we offer tuition for independent school exams, we can also offer tuition for the 13+ exam for Grammar school entry too.

13+ entrance exam tuition to help your child get into the private school they want

Year 9 at
Private school

At ACEdemics can provide tuition using a variety of methods, tailored to your own child's way of learning. We focus on the independent school of your choice and we aim to ensure that all aspects of their 13+ entry exam are covered in detail.

Covering 13+
entry exams

Independent schools usually set their own standard for entry and create 13+ entrance exams of their own. They tend to cover a wide range of topics, including mental arithmetic, writing and problem-solving skills. Our tutors are here to cover all bases and give your child the knowledge they need!

Tuition for
Independent school

We believe that being prepared is key when it comes to any 13+ entry exam for private and independent schools. We give your child an idea of what to expect when it comes to the real test and help them thoroughly prepare, so they stand the best chance of passing and entering the school of their choice in Year 9

Trust ACEdemics to help your child get into Private school in Year 9

Should you have any queries or need assistance with the services we offer, please connect with us by filling out the form provided!

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To find out more about the tuition services we offer for 13+ entrance exams at Independent schools, get in touch.

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